Who is and what is the third day Christian? God is raising them up. They are Third Day Worshipers, Grace Teachers and Anointed Preachers different from those of the first and second day. They are the ones who desire and demand more of God daily. Not for the experiences, but for more of Jesus and all of His GRACE.
2 Peter 3:8 says one day with the Lord is 1,000 years and we are living now in the third day 2010. I got good news for you that God will not let you go until He raises and lifts you up. He will anoints you. God will not let you go until He promotes you and elevates you. He will not let you go until He takes you to the place of the fullness of His glory, victory and anointing. God will not let you go! His GRACIOUS GRACE is upon you. His GRACE will revive you to the fullest. 2012 IS THE YEAR OF GRACE AND GLORIOUS BREAKTHROUGH!
Hosea says "He will raise you up" I like that. He will not let us down or push us down. In Ephesians 1:20 the word "raise up" was mentioned. Here Jesus was raise up by the Father from the dead and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places far above all principality, power and might and dominion and every name that is named in this world and next world.
Ephesians 2:6 says "And had raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ. By grace you are saved through faith not of yourself.... It's the gift of God." He raise us up to show His exceeding riches of his grace.
He revived us and raised us up to rule and reign - to have spiritual authority over the powers of the enemy. The Third Day church is not about programs, or about ministries, or about organizations or about one anointed man or woman. The Third Day church is not about our name and church or how big is our church. The Third day church is about the name above all names, Jesus Christ. He is Risen! And we are risen and raise with Him in heavenly places. We are raised to rule and reign on earth with Him now. It speaks of our spiritual position, our spiritual promotion and spiritual blessings. GLORY TO HIS NAME!
So arise because the Wine of His Grace will be released. We will be drinking the wine of His glory. The water must change into wine. Why? Every watered-down religion will be changed to wine-filled revival and relationship. Every watered down preaching will be converted to wine-filled revelation, teaching and impartation. Every watered down praise and worship will be converted into wine filled prophetic songs -the songs of the Lord and worship that will bring the glory of God down.
The Third day wine will be more than an experience of being drunk in the Spirit. It is the wine that brings you to a higher level. A wine that brings you into His Presence. A wine that cleanses you up. The wine of the CROSS. It is the wine of RESURRECTION. Jesus is the Wine Maker. Let us drink with Him and be filled up.