Lời Kinh Thánh

Hãy tin Đức Chúa Jesus, thì ngươi và cả nhà đều sẽ được cứu rỗi. Kinh Thánh - Công Vụ Các Sứ đồ 16: 31

Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 9, 2012

His Thoughts Towards Us

God is light and God is love. In Him is no darkness at all.

This post is about the content of God’s thoughts… those millions of thoughts like the sands of the sea referred to in Psalm 139.  These perfect thoughts are what we believe and which becomes our thoughts.

That we may know the full content of His thoughts, He sent Christ. What God thinks of you is Christ, for in God’s thoughts there is no darkness at all… In the Father’s eyes Christ is His daily delight and desire. He is perfect and like His Father in every way. He is honoured, the apple of His eye…. AND we are in union with Him, His Beloved Son. A union and association deliberately chosen before time began…
Now imagine before time began, before anything else existed or happened that involves us… when He was there with the Father. Imagine the absolute beauty of the fellowship between Father and Son. The perfection, the transparency, the depth, the love, the delight – no hidden agendas, no pride, no jealousy – just spontaneous joy. Now imagine when they looked at this perfect beautiful fellowship and said: “We want more of this…” We find the definition of our being and purpose there...

Colossians 1 and John 1 states that everything was made by the Logos and He is the pattern/logic of all else, that in Him all things consist, and that He is all and in all. We can say that everything that is something comes from Him and contains of His substance. No substance or any part of any substance comes from a different Source. Everything carries His fingerprint.

Why? Because He is perfect – the definition of the Father’s full delight. All things are guaranteed to “work” and God rejoices in all things… BUT nothing is more accurately made according to the Logos (the Logic of God) than us. God is about relationship and relationship is based in likeness. The most intimate relationship is shared between two beings who find their exact likeness in one another… We were made in His exact image and likeness… as He is, so are we. We find in Him a place where we can share and explore our whole heart! God’s delight in Christ is multiplied in us.

We made like Him and Ephesians 1 says we were associated with Him from the foundation of the world. In the Father’s heart we have always shared the same place as His Beloved Son.

Life is a celebration of God’s perfect love dream fulfilled – you are His love dream, and He is yours!

Our faith is sponsored by the knowledge God has of us. The whole of the gospel seeks to communicate this simple Logic to mankind.

Hebrews 1 says something beautiful. In various ways God spoke in times past to us, but in the last days God spoke to us in His Son. What he had to say to us was simply perfectly expressed in His Son. God’s message was: if you see Him you see yourself – accurately. In Him is life and this life is the light of man.

All God’s thoughts entertain only Christ. When He thinks of us, or in fact anything, He is conscious of the substance that we bear – namely Christ, for He is all and in all – everything that is something contains of Him. In Christ there is no emptiness/darkness – we are complete in Him. Sure, He sees the holes in our expression that doesn’t reflect the reality, but He knows those holes exist in our understanding only. He knows those “holes” in our expression don’t define us or change the substance in us…

Our expression comes from what we believe about us for “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he”. What man thinks can change, but the image and likeness we were made in cannot change. What we think, believe or do is not us, and God knows the difference. He longs to fill us with His understanding. When we walk in the light, the knowledge of the truth, as He is in the light we have/experience the intended fellowship with one another.

When Jesus referred to satan he said, he has nothing of Me… i.e. I am all substance and in Me all things consist, but as for satan, he is like a big black hole – a big nothing. Everything that destructs, subtracts, steals, breaks down does so because it’s an expression lacking substance which is Christ. Man is surrounded by such expressions. When we believe and utter these expressions we take on their identity of emptiness and destruction. This is what Paul defined as the “old man”. But now we put off the old man and put on Christ – the light of our life. If we can lift our eyes and look at the expression that came from above, we will know the truth and the truth will set us free.

Since the moment man believed the lie that through knowledge of good and evil he would become like God, there were serious holes made in his understanding – a big darkness was left in his consciousness. When the source of our lives exists in knowing what is good and therefore doing it, and knowing what is evil and therefore avoiding it, our deeds define us (becomes the source of our identity) and we die. But when the source of our lives is knowing who we are in Him, we do good and avoid evil spontaneously and have life.

Christ, the Truth about us, was manifested to fill the darkness in our consciousness – that we may know who we are, that we may have the light of our life and live. And to live, is to know (have communion with, enter the rich fellowship of love with) the Father.

By Dawie Blake in  Hear Him