Colossians 1:5,6 "...which you heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel" v. 6 which has come to you, as it has also in all the world, and is bringing forth fruit, as it is also among you, since the day you heard and knew (experienced) the grace of God in truth." It is like hearing the word of faith by the spirit that transformed us.
The Bible says, "we are sanctify by belief of the truth" What happens when someone fall into sin not live in sin? You don't turn away from the gospel of grace. You bring grace into the situation and thank Jesus that you have been made righteous and go on.
In Galatians 6: 12 - Paul highlights and summarize his message to the Galatians saying "circumcision is useless, and only the Cross is of central importance to the faith." Firstly,Circumcision is performed in order to please people. Churches can sometimes fall into this trap. It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh that would compel you to be circumcised. Paul says the Galatians believers had been set apart by the Cross not because of the circumcision, not external religions frees them. The preaching of the Cross is the central theme. The Cross is the Power of God to salvation.
Legalism is not all rules and regulations they are part of it. Legalism is far worse than all these things, because legalism is based on selfishness and pride. Legalism is an outward show - a pretense of holiness to impress people and not God. The are all flesh. Legalism try to earn their forgiveness and blessings. They are so religious that everybody ought to see them. They have a sober and sad, serious holy look. Yet all their works they do for is to be seen of men (Matthew 23:5) Beyond legalism is the perversion of the Gospel of Grace.
Many thought that the "grace message" they heard, they were convinced they were justified, no matter how they lived - that they were made the righteousness of God in Christ. The grace message cannot allow us to live in sin. Living in sin is different from falling into sin. Everyone can fall into sin because of temptation. We can walk on the road and sometimes fall into a hole which we do not see. But we do not want to walk into a hole when we see it and let our legs be hurt. We avoid it we can escape it.
But what about the Law? The law is holy and just and good. The law does not make me dead but sin does. The law was sent to us "that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may became guilty before God. The law acts as our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ that we might be justified by faith." (Galatians 3:24) What Paul was saying, you could not really confess your sins until you knew they were sins!. I could not seek after the holiness of God until I saw how far from God I was. When I saw God's holiness by His commandments, sin became utterly sinful to me. That is the case of Peter who saw Jesus as he said to the Lord, "Go away from me for I am a sinful man." Isaiah saw the Glory of God and say "Woe is me" They both knew who they were they were convicted first and grace came in and transformed them.
Adam was also given the gospel of grace after his "eyes were opened" (Genesis 3:7) It was only after he had seen his sinful condition and the consequences of his sin that God brought to him the message of mercy and forgiveness - to cover his shame. The law had to bring them to the saving grace of God. And that grace will makes them perfect, establish, strengthen and settle them.
The real test of every believer is not just believing and receiving the truth. That is not enough - we must stand in the grace of God. Stand in the promises of his Word. Many believe His promises and even received it but when the real test came they started to quit and not stand on the grace of God because they were shaken by their circumstance and fear.
Paul says, Ephesian 6:11 - Put on the whole Armour of God that you maybe able to STAND (not only believe) Stand on what? There is only one ROCK we need to stand all others places are sinking sand. They were told to stand on Truth, Righteousness, gospel of grace and Peace, Faith, Salvation and the Word of God. These are weapons for us in the last days. When we stand on the flesh or the wisdom of men we will fall. But not the Wisdom of God, His Righteousness and His Truth. Let us believe the truth, received and stand on the truth. And the truth will set us free.
May the truth and grace of God be with you all!